International expert explains the keys of the new European Regulation for veterinary drug use in farms and feed plants
“Chile Conscious Origin”: Chilean pork and poultry industry will have sustainability standards for the sector
Juan Carlos Domínguez, Presidente de ChileCarne: “La única forma de competir con los demás países de la región y de cumplir con las exigencias de los países de destino es ser muy eficientes”
Pork and other food products from the Chilean Maule Region shined at successful exporting event in China
OIE and FAO launch initiative to halt global spread of African swine fever
The white meat industry: a pillar of employment for over 30 towns in Chile’s central region
Pork and poultry companies make significant investments to return water to the ecosystem
How has Covid-19 changed the poultry production and supply chain?
José Naranjo, expert in Veterinary Epidemiology: “Foot-and-mouth disease has high economic and social costs for the countries that suffer from it”
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