In the clients category, Agrosuper attained a 78% score, a 15% increase compared to the previous year. Similarly, in the suppliers category, it scored 81%, indicating a positive perception of the company’s environmental and social performance.

Agrosuper celebrated an important achievement by receiving the certification from the Stakeholders Sustainability Index (SSINDEX) with an overall score of 70%, standing out in the clients and suppliers categories. The SSINDEX measures environmental, social, and governance (ESG) management based on stakeholder feedback, and the Chilean company showed notable improvement.

The five-point increase compared to the previous assessment underscores Agrosuper’s strong commitment to continuous improvement and active listening to their stakeholders. The SSINDEX, which collects information from employees, clients, consumers, suppliers, contractors, and communities, has recognized the company’s efforts in ESG management.

“We are very pleased with these results, which reflect our commitment to sustainability and continuous improvement,” said the company in a statement. This recognition not only acknowledges Agrosuper’s progress but also serves as motivation to continue implementing responsible and sustainable practices across its operations.